Today I wanted to talk about the art of happiness because truly, it is an ART. Happiness is a state of mind, a state of being, and it requires maintenance and work. (just as a disclaimer I'm not discrediting anyone with mental health issues or biological factors that influence their happiness, I am completely aware of the effects this can have on happiness)
I am happy 99.9% of the time. I am in awe of this world, the people that surround me and generally I love my life; I attribute a lot of it down to my mindset and way of being. Every morning on the way to work, I think to myself, if I could bottle my happiness and sell it I'd be rich, I wish everyone could feel this level of happiness I feel too! So I've decided to share a few tips/habits that I embody, that allows me to experience life in this full, rich capacity in hopes that someone else can feel how good I feel most the time! I just love sharing my knowledge with people, because everyone deserves to live a full happy life.
List three things you're grateful for every single day
LOA (Law of Attraction) states that showing gratitude raises your frequency to a high level, which puts you more into alignment, therefore allowing your life to flow effortlessly (or more so) this practice also gets you into the habit of seeing the GOOD in your life, instead of the bad. Eventually, when 'bad' things crop up, you'll be able to focus on the good things about the situation, and suddenly the situation doesn't seem so bad. It shifts the frequency of the situation to a higher place and allows you to find positive outcomes. Alternatively, when everything in life is going well, it makes you feel so incredibly lucky and abundant.
These have literally changed my life. I've been doing them for about a year and a half now, and I see the changes internally and externally abundantly. Every morning on my drive to work I say my affirmations. These can range from things you would like to be true (that maybe aren't yet) or just affirming the wonderful parts in you and your life. One of my favorite ones are 'people are kind, generous, caring and compassionate' I've been saying it so long now, they're the only type of people I come across. I've rewired my brain positively, and it helps make every day better. This can be done with literally anything! Your beliefs about your worth and having things, or finances. 'I am worthy' 'large sums of money are always available to me'. Try rewiring beliefs that often cause you stress. Not being enough and lack is usually the most common beliefs contributing towards unhappiness. If you can rewire those to believe the opposite you'll find you're a lot happier.
Taking care of myself and my body
An obvious one, but when you feel good about yourself, you just feel good in general! If you're in a place right now where you don't feel good about your image or your health, that's ok, because the only person in charge of changing it is you! Going for a walk, or exercising is a way of honoring yourself, and every time you're active or do something that you know is only going to positively affect your body, you should be proud! Not to mention your body will be releasing all those endorphins giving you a little high. Likewise, taking rest days when your body is telling you it needs one is imperative to emotional and mental health. Working yourself to the ground actually becomes counterproductive, don't forget to work AND play. When you feel good about yourself, everything else in your life reflects that feeling(your inner dialogue creates you external reality), remember that. So if anything, getting happy with yourself is one of the most important things you can do.
Do things that make you happy!
Sounds super obvious right? no. How many people are working in a job they hate or surrounding themselves with people they don't like because they're scared to make a change, for fear of the unknown? We've all been there, in fact, this is one of the things I've been working on recently myself. Life is so god damn short, so we should live it how we LOVE to. There is an ABUNDANCE of jobs, opportunities, people, and lovers out there for us (affirmation). Do not get stuck somewhere that doesn't resonate with you and allow you to thrive because you're scared. IT WILL ALL WORK OUT (affirmation). Look at the places in your life that don't make you happy and start making a conscious effort to change it, or start by finding ways to incorporate things that do make you happy. Slowly the universe will respond to this surge of happiness in your life, by giving your MORE, but you have to invite it in first. I always remind myself, that I have had bad moments in life, and moments where I didn't know what the hell was going to happen and I was scared, BUT, I am always ok. If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here right now writing this post on happiness would I. This little notion always reminds me that its always going to be ok, and you will too!
Now this one may sound odd, how does being nice to others, and showing my love to others, make me happier? what if they don't say they love me back!? Well, as LOA goes, putting out positive energy, and making others feel good, will mean that goodness will come back somewhere (don't force it though, be genuine, if someone's hair looks nice, tell them, if they smell good, tell them, anything! just be genuine) I think its important to make those around you feel good (strangers included) you never know who it might help! Secondly, love is what life is all about! We're all so fearful of not being 'loved' back. WHO CARES, love is FREE. We should, therefore, give it freely, and allow ourselves to receive it freely. Do not be shy. You never know when people won't be there anymore and saying I love you might be the last thing they hear from you. So if you ask me it's 100% worth it. I just think what a wonderful feeling it must be, to know that you touch someone enough for them to feel love for you, regardless of if you feel it back. The world needs more love. People need more loving.
I could honestly list so many things but these are just a few that if applied will make huge differences in your happiness!
Just remember, life is to be enjoyed, don't take it so seriously, ENJOY IT.
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